When a loved one is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it isn’t unusual to feel overwhelmed. A caring spouse will want to know what’s ahead and how to be supportive. There are numerous books and articles on the subject, but perhaps the most helpful advice comes from those who live each day with bipolar.
If you or your spouse has bipolar disorder, Promises Recovery Ranch can help you navigate mental health concerns and enjoy a fulfilling relationship. Our mental health treatment program teaches clients how to regulate emotions and replace negative thoughts with more productive ones. Call 1.844.876.7680 today to learn more about how we can help you live a life of wellness.
Tips for Those Married to Someone with Bipolar
If you have a bipolar spouse, knowing what others with this mental health condition say can give you insight into caring for your loved one. Here is what they say is the most helpful form of support:
Affirm Them
All marriages run more smoothly when both partners express love, gratitude, and appreciation for the other. A partner with bipolar struggles even more than most with feelings of worthlessness, so be generous with your positive words of affirmation.
Be Involved
The more you know about what’s going on with your partner, the easier it will be for both of you. This probably means attending at least one counseling session per year with your spouse. In between, write down things that concern you or your questions so the counselor can offer input. Being involved could also mean ensuring the affected spouse keeps up with their medications.
Accept Emotional Limitations
Your marriage may not be able to divide responsibilities in the same way that other couples do. Be accepting of the fact that there will be times when doing certain things feels overwhelming to your partner. It could be paying the bills, cleaning the house, or going out socially. If you are frustrated by the emotional limits, remember that your partner is too.
Make the Most of Manic Periods
Just as there will be times when your spouse feels they can’t do certain things, there will be other times when they’re hyper-energized and ready for anything, so put them to work. Allow them to contribute to the marriage and family in a significant way when motivation and energy are there. It’s also an excellent time to connect romantically.
Stay Close
There will be times when your bipolar spouse can be difficult. Try not to give them a wide berth. Instead, stay near and help them through rough patches.
Show Compassion and Forgiveness
At some point, the affected partner will behave embarrassingly. When that happens, remember that they already feel bad about it. Don’t sugar-coat these things, but don’t make them harder to bear because of your attitude. A hug and forgiving words are what’s most needed.
A Diagnosis is Not a Cure
Medication doesn’t mean that symptoms will disappear or that the person will be cured. Help your partner to see triggers that you’ve identified. And if you see them trying to cope with an episode in an unhealthy way say so with gentleness and extra words of love.
A spouse with bipolar is the same person you married. They have a challenging condition that will make demands on your relationship. They need to know you’re ready to face those challenges together. Patience, kindness, and a lot of understanding enrich every marriage, including ones where bipolar disorder is present.
Call Buckner Villas Today for Mental Health Treatment
If you or your spouse is struggling with bipolar disorder, know that you are not alone. At Buckner Villas, we offer specialized mental health treatment programs to help individuals and their loved ones navigate the challenges of bipolar disorder. Our experienced professionals will work with you and your partner to develop an individualized treatment plan addressing your needs.
Don’t wait any longer to seek help for yourself or your loved one. Contact us today at 1.844.876.7680 or online to learn more about our comprehensive mental health treatment program and how we can support you in living a fulfilling and balanced life. Let us be a part of your journey toward wellness and healing.