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Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Multiple Locations Nationwide

A certified drug and alcohol rehab program that offers long-term sobriety.

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Avoid relapse by learning how to live a sober life and getting free of drugs and alcohol.


Individualized Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Everyone’s addiction story is unique! There are no two people alike in terms of their past, mental health issues, or substance use problems. As a result, we develop customized treatment plans for each person based on that information.

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Program Summary

All elements of addiction are addressed by our drug and alcohol rehab. It addresses both substance abuse and mental health concerns, as well as medical needs.

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Do You Need Urgent Help? We're Available!

The Advantages of Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Stay in a safe and supportive environment

Receive support from a full medical team

Prescription medications to ease withdrawals

Get treatment for co-occurring mental health 

treatment options 

Focus 100% of your time and energy on recovery 

Treatment Phases

According to our research, individuals who complete detox and rehabilitation together are less likely to relapse and more likely to remain sober for a longer period of time. Once treatment has ended, it’s also critical to have an aftercare plan in place.


- Cleanse -

We’ll work with you to address your body’s need for drugs or alcohol and help you detoxify yourself of harmful chemicals. We’ll use therapeutic activities and specialized medicines to assist you manage uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.



- Understand -

You’ll be discharged from our detox center and sent to our drug and alcohol rehab after your withdrawal symptoms have subsided. We will concentrate on your addiction’s psychological aspects at this time. You’ll learn why you became an alcoholic in the first place, how to deal with cravings that might lead to relapse, and how to retrain your mind to function normally without booze.


- Apply -

Your treatment will be tailored to your needs and preferences, and we’ll work with you every step of the way toward becoming sober. After therapy, we’ll help you transition to a more flexible aftercare program. Apply what you’ve learned during treatment back at home in your natural setting.

See if this treatment plan is right for you!

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services

During the detox and rehabilitation process, you will receive a variety of treatments that have been found to be helpful in the healing process.


Integrated treatment and medical intervention

Psychiatric care for co-occurring disorders 


Cognitive-behavioral therapy 


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Ready To Get Started? Don't Wait, Get In Touch Today.

How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab Cost?

Paying for addiction treatment
The cost of drug and alcohol treatment at The Ranch is based on each person’s situation. Why? We devise individualized plans for each client based on their particular substance use, history, and mental health issues. We can help you locate the best coverage and minimize your out-of-pocket expenses, no matter what policy you have or where you live. We work with most American insurance carriers to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment at a reasonable cost. Verify your insurance to see whether it covers your treatment.

Success Stories

Start Your Recovery

Taking the first step is half the battle. Select which form of communication you'd like to utilize for recovery. We may be reached at either phone or text message.

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