Are You Safe from Relapse if You Have Long Term Sobriety?

When you first get sober, staying away from a drink or a drug for a whole day seems difficult or impossible. After a while, though, you get used to it. Before you know it, days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and months turn into years. Years start to pass, and you are still sober. You no longer struggle with the triggers that used to set off cravings. But just because your life doesn’t revolve around your next high anymore, does that mean you are safe from relapse? 

A woman in long term sobriety

Long-term sobriety is something never to take for granted. At Promises Recovery Ranch TN, our chronic relapse treatment programs can help you stay on a healthy and sustainable path. If you or a loved one has concerns about your sobriety, reach out to our team today at 1.844.876.7680 to learn more. 

Maintaining Long-Term Sobriety 

There are a variety of factors that have helped you live a sober life. You have probably spent a lot of time at meetings. You may have worked with a sponsor or counselor and are now in the habit of asking for help. But are you at risk for relapse?

Several risk factors can contribute to relapse for those in long-term sobriety. Some of the most common include:


  • Stress – One of the most common triggers for relapse is stress. This can be work-related, family, or any other type of stressful situation. It’s important to have a plan to deal with stress so that it doesn’t lead to relapse.
  • Boredom – Another common trigger for relapse is boredom. This is often seen in people who have been in long-term sobriety and have not found a new hobby or activity to replace their former addiction. It’s important to find something you’re passionate about to help avoid relapse.
  • Poor Self-Esteem – Losing confidence or belief in yourself can cause you to depend on drugs to get enjoyment out of life. It is important always to remember how far you have come. 

As time has passed and your urge to use has subsided, you may start to attend fewer meetings. You may start to wonder why you are still attending meetings because you have learned how to handle sobriety. After all, it’s been years since you used. Pride and overconfidence are dangerous precursors to relapse. Many people who pick up after long-term sobriety find that they pick up right where they left off and can’t stop. If you have been abstinent for a long period of time, your body is less able to handle large amounts of alcohol or drugs.

Using Community To Help Encourage Relapse Prevention 

One of the reasons that going to AA or NA meetings works is because you are surrounded by people who are willing to share their experience, strength, and hope with you. A community of peers can help you feel less alone and less likely to relapse. It can also help hold you accountable. If you are thinking about using, you are more likely to be deterred if you know that people in your community will know.


Now is the time to reconnect if you have been in long-term sobriety and have started to distance yourself from the recovery community. There are many ways to do this, such as:



  • Reach out to your sponsor or counselor
  • Join a recovery group
  • Start attending meetings again
  • Get involved in service work 

Addressing Relapse and Sobriety at Promises Ranch Recovery TN


Just because you have successfully avoided picking up a drink or drug in a long time doesn’t mean you have been cured. Your recovery journey is ongoing. At Promises Ranch Recovery TN, we can help you address any underlying issues that may put you at risk for relapse. We offer a variety of programs and services, such as chronic relapse treatment, that can help you maintain your sobriety. Contact us today at 1.844.876.7680 to learn more.


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