Staying sober during coronavirus is likely a challenge for many people. Several media sources report that alcohol sales have recently skyrocketed, and several sources are reporting an uptick in substance abuse. If you are having difficulty staying sober during coronavirus, The Recovery Ranch continues to welcome clients, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. The caring, professional staff welcomes individuals in need of treatment for addiction, or those who experience co-occurring mental health issues.
Substance Use Disorders and Coronavirus
There has been a recent increase in alcohol abuse and abuse of other drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several sources report a ‘surge’ in alcohol sales since the quarantine and social distancing orders went into effect. There are several contributing factors to an increase in alcohol abuse and substance abuse, including:
- Isolation
- Job loss and other economic worries
- Boredom
- Stress
- Development or worsening of mental health issues
There are many risks associated with not staying sober during coronavirus. Individuals that completed treatment in the past face potential relapse. This is due to the closure of many support groups, social distancing rules, and lack of treatment options. Our east coast addiction treatment center welcomes clients right now and is working diligently to protect clients and staff at all times. We want to be there for you in this time of uncertainty and provide you with the structure and treatment you need.
Risks of Not Staying Sober
The effects of not staying sober during coronavirus are already apparent. During quarantine, many people are without direct contact with their sponsors, their individual therapy program, or the support of their group therapy program groups. This potentially poses serious risks to individuals with alcohol addiction or an addiction to other drugs. Many individuals rely on their treatment routine to stay sober and overcome relapse during difficult times.
An individual that has mental health issues may also experience worsening of their dual diagnosis issues or symptoms during this time. Drinking alcohol potentially complicates the coronavirus pandemic in multiple ways. This is because many people are going without the treatment that they are used to.
The effects of drinking alcohol and struggles with staying sober during coronavirus have profound effects on individuals, their families, and society in general. As a result of the pandemic, professionals are already seeing a significant increase in alcohol-related issues related to COVID-19. In just the short time since the coronavirus began, physicians are seeing increased numbers of patients with alcohol-related liver damage. They attribute this directly to increased alcohol use during the quarantine.
Additionally, alcohol impairs the immune system. If you drink alcohol or use other drugs and develop COVID-19, your immune system may be too weak to help you recover from the coronavirus.
If you are suffering from the result of the pandemic, you are not alone. We are here for you, and we have the experience to guide you through staying sober during coronavirus, and to help you progress through recovery.
Get the Treatment You Need Now
You do not have to feel alone during this time. Do not turn to alcohol or other drugs during this pandemic, or at any other time. The professionals at The Recovery Ranch offer several programs to help you deal with these difficulties at our east coast rehab center. In fact, this time of uncertainty during the coronavirus is a good time to enter into a treatment program. Reach out to us today to start receiving the comprehensive treatment that you need. When you contact The Recovery Ranch today at 1.844.876.7680, our professional staff is ready and able to help you overcome substance abuse, mental health issues, or both.