person sitting against wall hanging head while pondering the question are mothballs addictive

Are Mothballs Addictive?

Mothballs are commonly used to protect clothes from insects, but they contain naphthalene, a chemical that can be harmful when inhaled. Some individuals inhale it deliberately, as it produces euphoric effects and might become habit-forming.

But are mothballs addictive, though? Learning more about mothball addiction and how to find the appropriate treatment can prevent complications and help you or a loved one recover.

The Ranch can help if you or a loved one is struggling with addiction. We offer a holistic approach to recovery, addressing not only the physical aspects but also the psychological and emotional components of addiction.

Call 1.844.876.7680 today to speak with one of our admissions coordinators and learn more about our individualized addiction treatment programs.

What Are Mothballs?

Mothballs are small, white balls made of either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. They are used as a pesticide to repel and kill moths, larvae, and other insects that may damage clothing or fabrics. Mothballs are typically placed in closets, drawers, or storage containers to protect items from pests. However, the use of mothballs comes with potential risks and concerns.

What Is Naphthalene?

Naphthalene is a white crystalline substance with a strong odor commonly used in mothballs and other insecticides. When inhaled, it can cause various health problems, including nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. Long-term exposure can also damage the liver and kidneys.

The Risks of Inhaling Naphthalene

In addition to the physical risks, naphthalene inhalation also carries the potential for addiction. When inhaled, the chemical produces a calming and euphoric effect similar to inhaling paint or gasoline fumes. This can lead to repeated use and dependence on the chemical to achieve these feelings.

The Connection to Addiction

Inhaling naphthalene can lead to addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), inhalants like naphthalene produce effects similar to alcohol intoxication. Over time, regular use can result in tolerance, dependence, and addiction. People who misuse inhalants may also experience withdrawal symptoms, including nausea, sweating, anxiety, and irritability.

High Risk Among Teenagers

Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to addiction from mothball use. They may experiment with inhalants as a cheap and easily accessible way to get high. NIDA’s Monitoring the Future survey found that approximately one in five eighth-graders have tried inhalants at least once. Additionally, the survey reported that inhalant use is most prevalent among younger teens, with usage decreasing as age increases.

Seeking Help for Addiction

If you suspect someone may be addicted to mothballs or other inhalants containing naphthalene, it’s crucial to seek professional help immediately. Addiction treatment typically involves counseling and therapy sessions to overcome dependency. The sooner someone seeks help, the better their chances of recovery.

Prevention and Safety Measures

Preventing addiction from mothball use starts with education and awareness. Read warning labels, avoid using them in enclosed spaces without proper ventilation, dispose of mothballs correctly, and keep them out of reach of children and pets. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, call The Ranch today to learn more about our comprehensive treatment programs. Remember, seeking help is a strength, not a weakness.

Call Today to Get Help in the Addiction Treatment Programs at The Ranch

Inhaling naphthalene from mothballs is not only harmful but can also lead to addiction. Understanding the risks associated with naphthalene inhalants is crucial in promoting the safe use of insecticides and preventing addiction. Seek professional help if addiction is suspected, and always prioritize prevention through education and proper usage.

The Ranch offers individualized treatment programs to help those struggling with addiction. Our team of experienced professionals provides evidence-based therapies in a supportive and caring environment. Call 1.844.876.7680 today to speak with one of our admissions coordinators and take the first step toward recovery. You can also complete our online form to take the first step.

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