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How Addiction Affects Families: The Far-Reaching Effects of Substance Use Disorder

It’s difficult to list exactly how addiction affects families. The repercussions spread outward like the rings from a pebble dropped in a pond. But experts have known for years that children who grow up in homes where drugs and alcohol are used often develop addictions, too. Sadly, even if these children do manage to skirt a […]

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woman looking at viewer considering common relapse triggers

Common Relapse Triggers

Triggers are often internal or emotional reactions to external situations or environments. Triggers can occur at any time without warning. For this reason, they often catch people off guard. This can be devastating for someone who is trying to end addiction but falls prey to common relapse triggers that they may not be aware of.One

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pregnant woman sitting wondering is alcoholism hereditary

Is Alcoholism Hereditary?

Is alcoholism hereditary? Learn more about the connection between genetics and alcoholism in our latest article below. Your genetics structure or DNA determines a lot of things about you – your health, physical disposition, psychology, and behavior. As such, your behavioral traits influence your thinking and behavior. Part of your behavior may include your predisposition

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patient happily being told what is psychotherapy

What is Psychotherapy?

What is psychotherapy? Learn more about psychotherapy techniques by reading our latest article. Psychotherapy is an umbrella term for evidence-based therapy that treatment specialists use to help clients with mental disorders. Psychotherapy is a form of talk therapy where a counselor listens to the client and responds with solutions to the client’s challenges.Therapists often help

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woman looking at viewer wondering about risk factors for addiction

Risk Factors for Addiction

Alcoholism can happen to anyone regardless of their background, economic status, or beliefs. Although it is difficult to pinpoint a single link to substance abuse, risk factors for addiction are fairly common. Many of these factors include the environment, genetics, hereditary traits, medical history, or age.In addition, certain types of substances do carry a higher

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man resting on his folded arms wondering about the stages of alcoholism

Stages of Alcoholism

Like most diseases, alcoholism occurs over a period of several months or years. Sometimes it can take so long to develop the addiction to alcohol that you don’t notice the stages of alcoholism as they are occurring. The main reason for this is that you and those around you grow accustomed to your behavior.While moderate

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